Easy to register a Lithuanian company
Lithuanian companies have many advantages, such as geographical advantages, low tax rates, simplified tax procedures, a sound legal environment, developed digital infrastructure, high-quality human resources and a sound banking system, which make companies registered in Lithuania have good development potential and competitive advantages.
Advantages of registering a company in Lithuania

Tax advantages
The corporate income tax rate in Lithuania is relatively low compared to Europe, at 15%. In addition, for certain types of income, such as intellectual property income and investment income, lower tax rates may be available.

Enter the European market
As a member of the European Union, companies registered in Lithuania can take full advantage of the European single market and achieve seamless access to the markets of other EU member states.

Digital Economy
Lithuania has made significant progress in the digital economy and has advanced digital infrastructure and e-government services. This provides enterprises with efficient online services and a digital business environment.

Stable political environment
Lithuania has a stable political system and a sound rule of law environment, providing enterprises with reliable legal protection and investment environment.

Superior location
Located in the northeast of Europe, Lithuania is an important hub connecting Eastern Europe and Northern Europe, allowing companies registered in Lithuania to easily enter the European market and conduct trade and business with neighboring countries.

Quality Human Resources
Lithuania has a high-quality talent pool, including engineers, technicians and business people. Companies in Lithuania can make full use of these talent resources to enhance their competitiveness and innovation capabilities.
Process of registering a Lithuanian company

Consultation and Suggestions
We will first provide consultation to understand the relevant situation to determine your business license registration requirements, company type and name.

Application form
Prepare the documents required to register a company, usually including the company's articles of association, list of shareholders, list of directors, etc. These documents may require notarization and certification.

Waiting for approval
Once the application is submitted and the fee is paid, it is usually necessary to wait for several working days or longer for the registration agency to approve the registration application.

Receive registration certificate
Once the registration application is approved, you will receive a Cayman company registration certificate, indicating that you have successfully registered a company.
Documents required to register a Lithuanian company

Basic information required for registration
Company name - to check whether it has been occupied;
Copy of director's passport, director's information (email address, phone numbercode, address);
Description of the company's economic activity field;
POA Power of Attorney;
If the shareholder is a company, then: shareholder company registration documents, related articles;
Please note that all documents must be in Lithuanian and require Hague certification.
You will receive these information after registration is completed

Company Registration Certificate

Articles of Association

Stock Paper

VAT tax number

Official seal

Shareholder List

Application for Shares

Meeting Minutes

Appointment letter for the first director
IngStart provides Lithuanian company tax filing services

Tax filing service
For companies registered in Lithuania, the procedures and requirements for tax filing may vary depending on the type of company, type of income, business size and other factors. It is recommended that you seek the help of IngStart's professional tax consultants or accountants when dealing with the tax affairs of Lithuanian companies.
① Understand tax obligations
First, you need to understand Lithuania's tax regulations, including applicable tax rates, tax filing cycles, and types of taxes to be reported and paid. You may need to register with the Lithuanian tax authorities and obtain a taxpayer identification number.
③ Compliance requirements
Companies registered in Lithuania need to comply with local regulations and legal requirements, including those on anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT).
② Tax filing and financial statements
According to Lithuanian tax regulations, companies may need to prepare and submit various tax returns, annual financial reports, such as value-added tax (VAT) returns, income tax returns, etc. These returns are usually required to be submitted within the prescribed deadlines.
④ Tax audit support
If necessary, IngStart will provide tax audit support for Lithuanian companies. We can prepare the required documents and records and assist companies in responding to requests and questions during the tax audit process.
Provide local company annual review
Annual review is an annual qualification review that offshore companies must undergo in accordance with local laws. Only companies that pass the annual review will be recognized by the local government.
Certification of legal qualifications
Annual review on time can enhance the company's credibility in the local government and is the basis for the company's legal existence.
Avoid overdue fines
Companies that fail to conduct annual review will be fined according to the overdue time. Annual review on time can avoid this loss.
Why choose us?

Perfect service system
Select the company that needs to submit an annual report in your IngStart account and click Submit Annual Report Service.

Professional operation team
IngStart receives the annual report service you submitted, updates your annual report in real time, and notifies you when the report is completed.