
Register a Singapore company online

Successful registration in as soon as 1 day

Complete your company registration in a few minutes. Our online platform serves global customers 24/7 and automates the establishment of the entire company.
Register Now

Advantages of Singapore companies

Political Law
Political Law
Political stability and sound rule of law
Tax incentives
Tax incentives
Enjoy tax exemptions and preferences
Financial Services
Financial Services
Developed financial system and diversified financial services
Cross-border trade
Cross-border trade
Good logistics and infrastructure
Provide abundant human resources and innovative thinking
Property Rights Protection
Property Rights Protection
Intellectual Property Protection System and Patent Registration Procedure

I think about what you think and help you solve your problems

Specialized person to verify name
Specialized person to verify name
Avoid wasting time by submitting names repeatedly
One-on-one online service
One-on-one online service
Standardized process services, reducing your procedures
Overseas address
Overseas address
We provide you with solutions
Bank Account Opening
Bank Account Opening
Quick bank channel helps you pre-review your information in advance
Worried about taking too long to register
Worried about taking too long to register
We provide you with expedited service, registration can be successful in as fast as 1 day
Worried about charging too high
Worried about charging too high
One-time charge, no hidden charges

Four easy steps to help you register in as fast as 1 day

Company name query
Confirm registration information
Submit to the government for approval
Obtain registration certificate

To find us, you only need to provide

Company name
Company name
Registration information
Registration information
Registered capital, business scope, etc.
Director Shareholder
Director Shareholder
ID card and photo of holding ID card
Register Now

Registration completed to obtain information

Registration Certificate
Registration Certificate
Articles of Association
Articles of Association
Establishment Announcement
Establishment Announcement
Company shareholder certification documents
Company shareholder certification documents
Company Information Card
Company Information Card
Authorization letter of nominee director
Authorization letter of nominee director
Business Secretary Authorization File
Business Secretary Authorization File
Named address authorization file
Named address authorization file
First board resolution
First board resolution
Company signature and seal
Company signature and seal
Steel seal
Steel seal
Exquisite information box
Exquisite information box

Join IngStart to easily start overseas business

The IngStart system helps you solve the problem quickly online, saving time, effort and worry
Register Now

One-stop Singapore service to assist with all relevant procedures so you have no worries!

Bank Account Opening
Tax Service
Annual review service
Company Change
Company cancellation
Bank Account Opening
One-click opening of bank accounts, collection and settlement of foreign exchange, payment gateway and other services to help you handle overseas business.
Register Now