rus company

Easy to register a Russian company

Registering a Russian company can provide companies with tax incentives, enhance brand image and visibility, etc., but it is also necessary to consider relevant administrative procedures, tax requirements and market competition factors.
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Advantages of registering a company in Russia

Local market opportunity
Russia is a country with a huge market. Companies registered in Russia can directly enter this market, meet local needs and carry out business activities.
Geopolitical Advantage
Russia is located in the center of Eurasia, connecting Europe and Asia, which makes it easier for companies registered in Russia to enter the markets of neighboring countries and expand international business.
Resource Advantage
Russia has rich natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, minerals, etc. Companies registered in Russia have the opportunity to benefit from these resources or participate in resource development and trade.
Low tax rate
Russia's tax system is relatively simple, and the corporate income tax rate is low, which allows companies registered in Russia to operate in a relatively relaxed tax environment.
Talent advantage
Russia has abundant human resources. Companies registered in Russia can recruit competitive employees from the local talent pool to promote the development of enterprises.
Government Support
The Russian government encourages foreign investment and enterprises to register in the country, and provides a series of preferential policies and support measures to attract more foreign investment and enterprises to enter the Russian market.

Documents required to register a Russian company

Founder-Natural person from mainland China
Generally for domestic customers who are natural persons in mainland China, if the customer is a foreigner, he needs to provide passport information for specific consultation.
Embassy notarization:
Power of attorney (one copy, signed and notarized under the witness of consular staff);
Application form (one copy, signed by relevant places and authenticated by the embassy);
Resolution to establish a company (three copies, signed by the founder, no authentication required).
Note: Customers can go to any Russian embassy close to them in China for document notarization.
Russian registered company transferred to other investors
The quotation includes (all service fees + three months' salary of the general manager + 11 months' virtual address fee + change of general manager).
Founder-Natural person from mainland China
Notarization by notary office or embassy:
Dual authentication: domestic company articles of association, company credit information disclosure report;
Embassy authentication: Power of attorney signed by the legal representative (one copy, signed and authenticated by the embassy staff);
Application form for company establishment (one copy, signed in relevant places and authenticated by the embassy);
Resolution (three copies, signed only, no notarization or authentication required).
Hague certification:
Power of attorney (one copy, signed + countersigned under the witness of a notary);
Application form (two copies (English + Russian), signed in relevant places under the witness of a notary);
Search report (Hong Kong), Business Profile (Singapore), Search report + Directors' list + Certificate of good standing (BVI) (notarization + countersigned);
Resolution (three copies, signed only, no notarization or authentication required).
Articles of Association (need to confirm whether notarization is required based on different situations).

Services related to Russian companies

Tax filing service
Specific details may vary depending on the type, size and region of the company
Obtain necessary tax registration
Before starting business, the company needs to register for tax with the Russian Federal Tax Service. This will enable the company to obtain the necessary tax identification number (TIN) and other relevant documents.
Open a bank account
Open a company bank account in a Russian bank for handling company finances and tax payments.
Regular declaration
Submit quarterly and annual returns on time according to the tax system. For example, quarterly VAT returns and annual income tax returns.
Pay tax
Ensure that all taxes are paid within the prescribed time to avoid penalties and interest.
Registration related fees
Register a limited company (founder - natural person from mainland China):
Legal person in Russia: 23,800 RMB;
Legal person not in Russia: 25,000 RMB RMB.
Register a limited company (founder - mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Singapore enterprises):
35000 RMB.
Processing cycle:7-9 weeks.
Service Deliverables
Tax Bureau Registration Certificate
Articles of Association
Appointment letter from general manager
Company seal
Tax Bureau Registration Certificate
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